August 2-3, 2014

The Westin Waterfront Hotel, W-Harbor Ballroom 3 - 425 Summer Street,

Boston, MA 02210, T (617) 532-4872

If you have any questions in regards to the ACTStat and or its annual meeting please contact Jackie Jorland or (913) 945-9419

Registration details:

  • Registration for both days August 2nd & 3RD - $300.00 includes annual dinner, and lunches for both days. After 6/15/14 registration cost is $350.00.

  •  Saturday August 2, 2014 - single day registration $200.00.  Lunch & annual dinner are included.  After 6/15/14 registration cost is $250.00. 

  •  Annual Dinner cost for significant other $60.00.

  •  Sunday August 3, 2014 - single day registration $150.00.  Lunch is included.  After 6/15/14 registration cost is $200.00.

  •  Refreshments throughout both days will be provided and are included in the registration fees.

  •  Registration will open April 1, 2014- further details will follow.   

Annual meeting will be held at The Westin Waterfront Hotel - 425 Summer Street, Bosotn, MA 02210, T (617) 532-4872 


Saturday, August 2 
12:00 AM - 1:00 PM
1:00  PM - 1:15 PM
Welcome - Mayo
1:15  PM - 2:15 PM
Perkins - Best Practices for Biostatistical Consultation and Collaboration in Academic Health Centers
2:15  PM - 3:15 PM
Enders - Statistical competencies for learners
3:15  PM - 3:30 PM
Coffee break
3:30  PM - 4:30 PM
Spratt - Biomarker Discovery: Case Studies, Pitfalls, and Successess
4:30  PM -6:00 PM
ACTStat Business Meeting

•    Treasurer's Report

•    Election results and announcement of new ACTStat Officers

•    Incorporation of the ACTStat - by laws revision

•    Other business
7:00  PM
Dinner at "The Barking Crab Boston"

88 Sleeper St, Boston, MA 02210

(617) 426-2722
Sunday, August 3
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Lesser - The use of Analogies and Metaphors to Help Clinicians and Investigators Better Understand the Principles and Practice of Biostatistics
9:00 AM -10:00 AM
Gajewski - Bayesian accrual monitoring and prediction with software tools
10:00 AM -11:00 AM

Pollock & Ittenbach - The Interface Between Biostatistics and Data Management

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Hurwitz - Brigham and Women's Hospital

   Innovative Approaches to Teaching Ethics in Biostatistics Curricula

Dawson - University of Iowa

   Teaching Statistical Ethics Via Lectures, Group Discussions, and Peer Mentoring

Cabral - Boston University School of Public Health

   A Graduate Course on Ethics in Biostatistical Practice

Chaloner - University of Iowa

    Topics for a Statistical Ethics Course: Are Your Analyses Reproducible? Is Your Clinical Trial Design Ethical? Are Mendel's Data Too Good?

Group Discussion
12:15 PM -1:15 PM
1:15  PM - 1:30 PM
1:30 PM - 1:35 PM

ACTStat: Potential Future Initiatives, Introduction, Leah Welty, PhD

1:35 PM - 1:45 PM Bridges to the other ACTStat
Carter - Report on program committee for Translational Science 2015
Perkins - Formation of BERD Special Interest Group (SIG) in ACTStat
1:45 PM - 2:10 PM Potential continuation of BERD Working Group Activities
Enders - Education
Gelfold - Ethics
Pollock - Data Management and Quality
2:10 PM - 2:30 PM Annual Survey - Past, present, and future
Rickey Carter, PhD; Maurizio Macaluso, MD, DPH; Hossein Rahbar, PhD; Bob Oster, PhD; and Leah Welty, PhD
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM Break-out sessions and discussion


